One of the worst countries to be hit by the Coronavirus pandemic is the USA. However, America, as a country, is a major player in the global economy. It might be one of the reasons why Trump has not ordered a complete nation-wide lockdown. However, when the coronavirus positive patients started to spike, it seemed inevitable for the country to go through a terribly slow economic recession.
However, the President wishes to open up the country after the 1st of May. He has set up a few guidelines which provide the recommendations based on which a state can reopen their activities. There are three phases that have been announced to ease up stay-at-home orders and social distancing measures. The guidelines are not just something Trump made up on his own. It has been formed by a coalition of governments who plan to work with one another and help each other to restart the economy. A copy of the guidelines has been released as well.
An overview of the three-phase guideline:
Phase 1: Non-essential travel will remain closed. Schools will remain closed as well. Vulnerable people should be sheltered and if they need to go to work, special arrangements have to be made.
Phase 2 – Restaurants, schools, and bars will open though full attendance will not be allowed. Non-essential travel can start but group gathering of more than 50 people is not allowed. Working at home or telework is still encouraged. Visits to hospitals and to senior living facilities will remain closed.
Phase 3 – Workplaces can open up and people can visit hospitals and senior living facilities. Normalcy can resume. However, hygiene should be maintained and social distancing should be maintained as well since asymptomatic spread needs to be curbed.