Florida Governor and 2024 presidential hopeful Ron DeSantis have criminally charged 20 people for illegal voting during the presidential elections in 2020. It is the 1st major action by the draconian election police team set up by the controversial Republican governor.
The election crimes office has come under widespread attack right from its inception from rights groups and the opposition as it has been turned into a political instrument to curb dissent by Ron DeSantis.
The Governor has said that as the persons charged were felons convicted of sexual offense or murder, they were exempt from the constitutional amendment which gives them voting rights. The voters convicted were all from Democratic strongholds in Miami-Dade, Palm Beach, and Broward counties. The voters convicted were among 11 million who voted in the presidential elections in 2020.
Ron DeSantis told cheering supporters that the convicted voters did not go through the restitution process that restores their rights and went ahead and voted.
Ron Desantis Has Parroted Trump Charges Of Widespread Voter Fraud That Led To His Defeat In 2020
A staunch Trump supporter who believes in widespread voter fraud in the 2020 presidential elections, Ron DeSantis has pressed upon the legislature to form an election monitoring force to delve into cases of alleged voting fraud.
Earlier Investigations had thrown up 475 isolated cases of alleged voter fraud out of 25.5 million voters in the 6 states that Trump targeted. Ron DeSantis had earlier praised the smooth election process in Florida in 2020.
It is obvious that DeSantis’s move is meant to suppress turnout and intimidate voters in the counties where the Democrats are in a majority in Florida.
Voting experts have said that the arrests were inconsequential to the electoral system’s integrity. The governor is spending millions to alter the system and make it harder for people to vote. All his moves have been aimed at making it difficult for Black and Hispanic voters to register in the system. This is despite his claim that the 2020 Florida elections were the best run in the country.