On the morning of Thursday, Ron Desantis, the Republican Governor of Florida signed a controversial voting bill into law. The bill is mainly aimed at joining other states led by the GOP for pushing and forcing new limits regarding Donald Trump, former President’s baseless claims regarding 2020 election fraud. It is also aimed at preventing and curbing access towards voting by mail inside the state.
Provisions of The Bill Signed By Ron Desantis
While signing this controversial voting bill, Ron Desantis highlighted all the bill provisions including banning funding privately for elections, creating limits and restrictions on returning and picking up the ballot of a voter, and stricter requirements regarding voting by mail. After signing this bill, Ron Desantis said that from now on every vote of Florida will count and will be cast with transparency and integrity.
He declared that this is a very significant milestone for democracy. Other media outlets told CNN and other channels that the local outlets were prevented from going inside the event of the signing. It was possibly an exclusive event of Fox News. The bill also created some more restrictions. This bill will also include creating extra requirements regarding usage of dropbox and an expansion of the observation power of the partisan regarding the same.
Legal challenges are abundant in the face of this new voting law of Florida. Within minutes and some seconds after Ron Desantis signed this bill into law, a coalition including the Fund of the Black Votes Matter and the league of all the women voters announced that they will be filing a lawsuit. It has managed to challenge the new restrictions of the bill of drop boxes of ballots and the severe prohibition on volunteers and organizations returning voter ballots.