Seven Times BTC Miners Helped The World In A Lot Of Ways!


BTC miners and mining do a lot more than secure the entire Bitcoin network. BTC mining has saved a lot of industries from a lake in Guatemala, animal waste, timber, and a caravan to beef jerky, a school, and a swimming pool. Bitcoin has solved the problem of reusing the heat of waste materials. 

Washington’s Free BTC Mining Education

Merkle Standard, a sustainable cryptocurrency mining company has partnered with Bitmain. They have also successfully gifted the recent technology involved in Bitcoin mining to the High school of Newport. They have truly promoted and revolutionized education related to Bitcoin.

Beef Jerky of Bitcoin Miner Taken Up By Cat Chef

The heat that is caused due to BTC mining is utilized in a very systematic manner by Business Cat to dry meat and process it into jerky. According to the latest reports, miners have a lot of heated, dry air to supply.

Swimming Pool Heated Up By Bitcoin

Jonathan Yuan, a Bitcoin enthusiast, has found a more stable, faster, and cheaper way to heat Minnesota’s swimming pool. This has been done due to Bitcoin mining. The new immersion heating technology has resulted in powering up an entire swimming pool.

BTC Miner Helps Fix Broken Propane Gas Tanker

An entire broken propane gas tanker has been fixed by warming up the waste heat from a system of 59 Bitcoin miners.

Timber Dried Out By Bitcoin Miner

Kryptovault is powered up by 100 percent hydropower. This energy has solved some really valid Bitcoin blockchain blocks. The entire heat generated due to the process heats damp logs and helps a local timber mill.

Promoting Energy and Financial Autonomy in Guatemala

In an area of southern Guatemala, an entire team of BTC miners helped repair the wastewater plant by donating an S9 system to the mayor.

BTC Mining Helps Grow Food And Flowers.

Netherland’s greenhouse gets its regular heat from Bitcoin miners and not natural gas.