It is assumed that with the rise in the price of gas in California, the state government will be looking into stimulus check relief for the citizens.
The Governor of California, Gavin Newsom, and other state legislature members recently announced that they had agreed to a budget framework for the current fiscal year- which also includes multiple direct payments of about $350 to $1,050 for 23 million citizens of the state. This will readily incorporate more than half of the citizens currently living in the state.
California Citizens To Receive The Stimulus Check Payments
The joint statement from the governor as well as the state assembly leaders mentions that the budget of California readily addresses the most pressing needs of the state. It also prioritizes pushing the dollars back into the pockets of the citizens of the state, who are currently dealing with global inflation and an incredible rise in prices of everything from gas to groceries. The stimulus check announcement, therefore, definitely marks a major shift from the previous proposal of Newsom for a gas rebate in the state, which also entailed issuing $400 debit cards to every single registered vehicle owner.
If the bill gets passed, the stimulus check payments will likely be issued by the Franchise Tax Board of the state through debit cards and direct deposits. The payments will also be issued from the beginning of October, through early 2023. The $17 billion packages will also be including several different measures for inflation relief, which include stimulus payments, help with rent and other costs, and a temporary suspension of the state diesel taxes. As it stands, around 23 million residents are expected to qualify for the coming round of the stimulus payments to the state.