ADNT or Adient plc, the manufacturing company, got the ratings from a bunch of brokerages with regard to its stock. The ones who gave the ratings are currently responsible for covering the reports of Marketbeat, the financial media company.
ADNT Stock Details
From a total of thirteen brokerages, two of them gave a sell rating to the company’s stock. Followed by a hold rating from three research analysts and a buy rating from eight analysts. The average price target set for the span of 12 months among brokerages is 44.67 USD. It was with regard to the stock of ADNT in the year 2020.
Numerous research analysts provided their coverage to the shares of the manufacturing company. They include the Royal Bank of Canada, Wells Fargo & Company, JPMorgan Chase & Co., Barclays, and Credit Suisse Group. The price target of ADNT was lifted by Royal Bank from the amount of 46.00 USD to 55.00 USD. The rating that was given was an outperform. The ratings came out on the 22nd of March that fell on a Monday.
Wells Fargo gave the rating of overweight on the company. The price target set by them was 59.00 USD. The report came out on Thursday. the stock of ADNT got an upgrade as per the report of JPMorgan. It went from being underweight to a rating of neutral. The report came out on the 22nd of Friday. And the price target of the company got boosted by the report of Credit Suisse. It was increased from 44.00 USD to the amount of 54.00 USD. The stock received an outperform in the report that was released on the 10th of February that fell on a Wednesday.