The comedy series, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, is finally coming to an end. The creators of the show are Michael Schur and Dan Goor. The show revolves around the lives of the detectives belonging to the Ney York Police Department based in Brooklyn. The star-studded series include Melissa Fumero, Andre Braugher, Joe Lo Truglio, Joel McKinnon Miller, Andy Samberg, Stephanie Beatrice, Terry Cruz, and Dirk Blocker.
Brooklyn Nine-Nine made its premiere in the year 2013 on the streaming channel, Fox. And it has remained everyone’s favourite ever since. The show even bagged the awards of the Golden Globe for the “Best Comedy Series” category. This took place in the year 2014. After successfully completing four seasons, there was an irregularity in the fifth season. The show got cancelled by Fox and was later aired on another channel, NBC.
Challenges For The Brooklyn Nine-Nine Writers
Much to the disappointment of the fans, the show could not air with its latest season, owing to the coronavirus pandemic. NBC channel also made the announcement with regard to the finale season of Brooklyn Nine-Nine, only adding to the disappointment. The show will not be made to continue after season eight. The final season will be aired on the broadcast of 2021-2011 on the same channel. And it will be a total of ten episodes.
There is a different pressure on the writers of the Brooklyn Nine-Nine as the show is about the comedy in the lives of policemen. And, owing to the brutalities of the police and especially the death of George Floyd in the year 2020, it is a massive challenge for the writers of the show. The task of making a comedy series in the midst of a real-life incident which is contradicting in nature, have caused the writers to dump some scripts. This was done to bring about a fresh script concerning the matter.