Trash Talks Between Golden State Warriors And Memphis Grizzlies Heated Up The Match Environment

Golden State Warriors

With just a little less than four minutes left in the clock in the last quarter of the second half, Golden State Warriors vs Grizzlies match heated up with trash talks.

With Klay Thompson’s twenty foot jump that helped him rise above Brooks to help the Golden State Warriors on 16.

Dillon Brooks backpadelling towards his half fell in the process while trying to defend Thompson in his attack. As Thompson kept coming with only 3:43 minutes left on the clock, he slowly leaned over Dillon and dribbled past him.

In the post-match Klay confessed that while doing so he indulged himself with some good-old trash talk. He said that it is something they have been doing for a long time and he often plays better with it.

Heading towards the Christmas Day, the Golden State Warriors march over the Grizzlies with a one twenty-three to hundred and nine win.

Little Trash Talk Heated Up The Environment In The Dying Minutes Of The Golden State Warriors vs Memphis Grizzlies Game:

Memphis Grizzlies And Golden State Warriors has never been two friendly sides in NBA. Obviously none of the sides are, but their little rivalry has a little history attached to it making them the fiercest rivals for each other.

The Grizzlies have defeated The Golden State Warriorsin last season while the Warriors have also tested victory against the Grizzlies in the semifinals of their conference. The Golden State Warriors vs the Memphis Grizzlies match is one of the most mouth-watering fixture for the neutral fans.

There has been trash talk from both the sides since the last month. However, the recent trash talk between players in the game feels like the rivalry between these two teams are budding.