Several unemployed citizens of Texas and Maryland have already filed lawsuits in their courts to bring about the pandemic unemployment benefits. Needless to say, the current pandemic has put a major dent in their life savings- and they need the benefits to simply stay above water.
The residents have joined the effort which started in Indiana by unemployed residents who hadn’t seen the hide or hair of the payments. Incidentally, such an infarction comes even after the court ruled the previous week that the states would be continuing to send in the benefits.
Unemployed Workers Protesting Against the End Of Unemployment Benefits
One of the judges at the court of Maryland has already gone ahead and put in a temporary restraining order on Saturday. This put a stopper on the state continuing to pay the unemployment benefits which were supposed to end. It needs to be mentioned that the states listed above are just three of the 26 states that have gone ahead and terminated at least one of the three programs for pandemic unemployment insurance.
The insurance was enacted by Congress last year and had been extended a couple of times in order to alleviate the suffering of those who were impacted the worst due to the economic downturn of the pandemic.
The federal programs of unemployment benefits did provide multiple said benefits to the self-employed as well as freelancers, independent contracts, and other people who had been affected by the pandemic. This comes in addition to the $300 weekly supplement that was regularly delivered to them.
According to The Century Foundation, it has come to light that almost 4.1 million citizens regularly depend on the benefits, and shutting them down would definitely affect them in a negative manner.
The Governors of the states have put forward the argument that the expanded unemployment benefits have been preventing the unemployed from truly accepting employment offers. Yet, not much comes to light to show that more people have been interested in joining the workforce after the benefits come to an end. As it has been mentioned in several media outlets, the payments ended on the 19th of June in Indiana and the 26th of June in Texas.