The Stock Of ASND Is Set To Post $2.58 Million In Quarterly Sales


The analysts of Wall Street expect Ascendis Pharma (NASDAQ: ASND) to report $2.58M in sales for the present fiscal quarter, reports Zacks Research. Three analysts issued the earnings estimate of the company, the lowest estimate in sales is $1.18M with the highest sales estimate is $3.30M. The company posted $2.78M in sales in a similar quarter of last year which hints at a negative 7.2% Y-O-Y growth rate. The company will declare its upcoming quarterly earnings on April 7th, Wednesday.

On average, many analysts expect the company to post $9.38M in sales of a full year for this present fiscal year, the range of estimates being $2.05 million – $16.28 million. The analysts expect the firm to post $57.96 million for the upcoming fiscal year, with the range of estimates being from $23.66 million – $140.42 million. The sales averages of Zacks Research are mean averages based on the survey conducted by research firms covering ASND.

ASND last declared its earnings report on November 16th, Monday. The company stocks reported an EPS of $2.31 for this quarter beating the consensus estimates of analysts by $0.74.The company had a negative 4,042.79% net margin along with a negative 55.72% equity return.

ASND Company Profile

ASND, the biopharmaceutical company produces numerous prodrug therapies for medical needs that remain unmet. The firm develops and produces a growth hormone called TransCon which has already completed the 3rd Phase of its clinical study for children required for treating a deficiency of growth hormone. It also develops and produces a parathyroid hormone called TransCon used to treat hypoparathyroidism and is currently in the 2nd Phase of its clinical study. The company also produces and develops a natriuretic peptide, a C-type prodrug called TransCon CNP used to treat achondroplasia which is in its 2nd Phase of the clinical study.