Animal rights advocate who’d been hit by Los Angeles Rams defender Bobby Wagner reportedly reported the event as abuse. On Monday evening, as during the Rams’ game versus the San Francisco 49ers, the activist, who has been publicly recognized as Alex Taylor of Radical Action Everywhere, went onto the pitch while brandishing a pink flare. He was grabbed by the 240-pound, 6 All-Pro, Super Bowl winner Wagner after eluding security. The viral needs to hit video spread quickly.
A Santa Clara police official informed Yahoo Sports on Wednesday how an attack report had been made in connection with the case but avoided mentioning Taylor by name.
Cuong Phan, the Lieutenant said that it is an active investigation and he can only confirm that the activist came in and has filed a report. But, due to the current status of the case, they cannot say anything more than that.
Protester Filed A Complaint After Getting Tackled By Wagner:
A Santa Clara law enforcement official informed Yahoo Sports on Wednesday how an attack report had already been made in connection with the murder but avoided mentioning Taylor by name.
Wagner has previously addressed the incident saying that he did the tackle as he was concerned for the safety of the others. Bobby Wagner said that it was not making a play. He said he was trying to keep everyone safe as no one knew what the fan had or what he was trying to do.
DAEO is an organization that supports animal rights. The purpose of Monday’s action, it seems, was to draw attention to the case against two of the band members who really are charged with breaking into a pig production plant in 2017.