President of Brazil Jair Bolsonaro has now accused the WHO (World Health Organization) for turning innocent children gay. This accusation came from the President in a series of claims made on Facebook. But the posts were later deleted.
Much like most of the president’s claims about the ongoing crisis and the virus, these claims were also not true.
Jair Bolsonaro who is often called the “Trump of the Tropics,” has been following Trump’s lead in criticizing the WHO. But neither acknowledge the severity of the global pandemic.
“This is the World Health Organization whose advice on coronavirus some people want me to follow,” Bolsonaro had written.
“Should we follow their education policy guidelines, too? For children zero to four years old: satisfaction and pleasure when touching their bodies, masturbation…. For children four to six years old: a positive gender identity… masturbation in early childhood, same-sex relations…. Nine to 12 years old: first sexual experience.”
The claim was shared by one of the President’s top advisors on Twitter which was then repeated by followers.
Bolsonaro was most probably referring to an educative guide
This guide was published by the Federal Center for Health Education, Germany, and the European office of WHO.
The document recognizes that children are exploring their bodies and will have queries about sexuality and how the body works.
In 2019, Bolsonaro denounced gay male tourism in his country and said how he preferred men who visit the country to have sex with women only.
“If you want to come here and have sex with a woman, go for your life,” Bolsonaro had said. “But we can’t let this place become known as a gay tourism paradise. Brazil can’t be a country of the gay world, of gay tourism.”
“We have families,” he added.