The actor took home the award for best male leading actor for ‘The Whale’ at the 29th annual ceremony. Brendan Frasor won best male actor in a leading role for his performance in The Whale at the 2023 Screen Actors Guild Awards on Sunday night.
He treasures this but more than that he treasures what he kept in his wallet which was his SAG card that he earned in 1991. Fraser went on to share what he learned from playing the role and inspirational and powerful words for the actors. He concluded his acceptance by thanking his children, their mother, and his agent thanking and saying he won’t be able to do any of this without her.
Brendan Fraser Encourages Struggling Actors In Emotional SAG Awards Win
For Brendan Fraser, victory isn’t only sweet, it also tugs at the heartstrings. After giving an Outstanding Performance he accepted the award for the Male Actor as the Leading Role for his performance in The Whale presented by Jessica Chastain in the SAG Awards. He even jokes about Sir Ian McKellen that he advised him to be brief and good, and be seated with his speech.
Brendan Fraser’s commitment to The Whale, in which he plays a 600-LB man, recounts the limitations of his reclusive life over a period of five days earned him multiple nominations, including a Golden Globe nomination and a Critics Choice Award win.
On January 5, Brendan Fraser, who made his triumphant return to the big screen with The Whale also won the Spotlight Award at the Palm Springs International Film Awards. It has also enjoyed several extended standing ovations at film festivals. The actor told people that this was eye-opening at this latest event of the praise he received for his performance.