Chris Christie Has Brought The Fight To DeSantis And Trump

Chris Christie

Just a few days ahead of an all-important first Republican presidential debate, Chris Christie held all the attention at a meeting that was held in a town hall in the home state of the two contenders who are leading the primary. The former governor of New Jersey, and the current Presidential candidate, went on to joke that he was well aware that there were a couple of presidential candidates who literally lived in the state.

Christie did want the GOP voters, especially in the state of Florida, to know that they didn’t have to go ahead with the former President Donald Trump, or the governor of the state Ron DeSantis. He also framed the choice as one between someone who was heavily focused on issues of the voter, and someone who could be fending off the next criminal tribunal. Needless to say, he was hinting at the multiple indictments that Trump had been facing at both the state and federal levels. 

Chris Christie Tears Into Donald Trump

Chris Christie told the congregation that on Wednesday night, the front-runner for the nomination of the party would be out on bail in around four different jurisdictions. He asked if there was really a need to pretend that this was normal. One of the hallmarks of Christie’s campaign has been his constant criticism of Trump, who had once called Christie a sad, pathetic slob. What is interesting is that he has also used the stage provided to him to go after DeSantis as well- in part over a recent memo from a super PAC that floated a bunch of talking points in the debate. 

When Chris Christie was asked about his attack on Trump even though he had endorsed him in 2016, Christie mentioned that he had believed he could make Trump a better candidate and President in the past- but he had failed miserably on both counts.