Chuck Schumer is the Majority Leader of the US Senate and has been an advocate for the legalization of marijuana in recent years. On 20th April, Tuesday, he made a strong statement on the Senate floor by saying this is the ideal time to remove the federal prohibition from the drug.
According to the speech of Chuck Schumer, 4/20 is often considered an unofficial holiday from Americans. This is mainly due to the reason that Americans allot this day for having pot in various forms.
Pot Legalization Petition By Chuck Schumer
On Tuesday, Chuck Schumer gave a potent speech advocating pot legalization. He called out the discrimination arresting and imprisonment of young people of color simply for being found in possession of a small quantity of marijuana.
In addition, Schumer also added that these people were later faced with unemployment and job rejection owing to this minor offense. As a result, he feels this is the right time for the federal legalization of marijuana across the United States of America. Furthermore, he said informed me on working on the legislation along with Senator Wyden and Booker.
Schumer mentioned that this legislation will strive to end the central prohibition on this drug as well as provide social justice, regulations, and federal tax provisions.
The Representatives House has already passed a bill similar to Schumer’s last year that is named MORE Act. However, Senate Democrats do not seem to have a unanimous agreement with Schumer regarding this issue.
Jen Psaki, Press Secretary of the White House, has informed that President Joe Biden also does not agree with the Senate and the House regarding their proposal on the matter. She explained that Biden thinks that states must make their own decisions and support the decriminalization of marijuana.