The 46-year-old actor is positive all the time, Colin Farrell, had a blasting 2022. With Batman’s success, he was overwhelmed by the response. And he is friends with recently a victim of a snow accident Jeremy Renner, who has been hospitalized on new year’s day. He had to go through surgery, and it was close call. And Collin Farrell is hopeful about his friend’s situation overall.
Colin Farrell Sends Best Wishes
Jeremy Renner’s new year started with a shock, and his family and friends are still processing the whole situation. However, Colin Farrell made sure if his friend is doing well or not. Both of them worked together on many projects and share a close bond. Jeremy Renner and Colin Farrell starred in S.W.A.T 2003 film, both of them were young back then and brought those characters to life from the novel.
Colin Farrell was Officer III Jim Street, who did some acting in the movie and appeared as a rough and tough character. But in real life, he is a teddy bear.
Since Jeremy Renner’s accident, Colin Farrell has been in touch with him, and he is doing good so far. Like many, he has been praying for him. Cheering for him.
Colin Farrell’s co-star and Jeremy Renner recently had his birthday. He turned 52 this year, and many other celebrities who are his friends wished him the best.
And the most heartwarming video he posted was from Base Chicago, with many kids holding a poster, his name on it, waving with their little arms with 50cents song. And it was a blessing for him, and he wrote in the caption how it cheered him up.
He thanked his whole team who has been always there since the tragedy occurred.