A federal court ruled on Thursday that Donald Trump, the former President, had no power to prevent January 6 committee from accessing vital documents created while in power.
The 3-judge panel at the Court of Appeals in Columbia said that Donald Trump did have the authority to assert executive privilege. But it wasn’t strong to overcome the present President Biden’s decision that the contentious papers are relevant to arrive at the truth. They ruled that Congress legitimately needed the material as part of the investigation into the Capitol riot.
Justice Patricia Millett wrote that the executive privilege demanded by Donald Trump was qualified and has to give way to protect prevailing interests. She wrote that President Biden along with the legislative wing had proved that national interest necessitated an immediate disclosure of the documents, which number into hundreds.
Court Ruled Donald Trump Failed To Prove Specific Damage If Papers Released
The court has ruled that Donald Trump failed to show that it would suffer specific harm with the release of the White House documents.
Judge Millett concluded her arguments with the remark that the Republic stays only if we manage to keep it. She said that the January 6 events proved that the democratic traditions and institutions that we have taken for granted were in fact extremely fragile.
She said that the President has proved that the right to use this set of presidential communiqué is needed to address matters of much constitutional importance for our Republic.
The chairman and vice-chairman of the January 6 committee have issued a statement praising the decision by the court. They said that they applauded the decisive ruling by the court. They said that it respected the interest of the Select Committee in obtaining the relevant records and also the judgment of the President to allow the release of those records. They said that their work was moving swiftly ahead, and they would arrive at the truth.
This case only deals with the documents sought by the January 6 committee which Donald Trump has sought to block citing executive privilege. It does not deal with whether former officials can refuse to answer questions put forward by the committee.