Demi Lovato has decided to dedicate their latest single to a close friend who passed away two years ago after a struggle with drugs. The two-time nominee of the Grammy Award, dropped their single Unforgettable (Tommy’s Song) on Saturday, which paid fitting tribute to Tommy Trussell II– who passed away in October 2019.
In an Instagram post, the singer stated that a couple of years ago they lost someone who meant a lot to them. His name was Tommy and he was quite a special person in their lives. The song was incidentally written on the same day they discovered that their friend had passed away.
Demi Lovato Talks About Tommy Trussell II
Demi Lovato’s single has also been used to promote the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s hotline, along with announcing that all the net proceeds for the song would be sent to The Voices Project- a recovery advocacy organization at the grassroots level. They added that this disease was not only powerful but also extremely cunning.
Demi Lovato’s song was also met with a massive outpouring of support and love from mutual friends and fans- something the singer put up on their Instagram Story. They captioned it with ‘Tommy touched so many. The singer also responded to a friend who stated that their friend was unforgettable which was something that was trending throughout the world on Twitter. Lovato wrote that this would mean the world to this beautiful man.
When Trussell passed away in October 2019, Demi Lovato had paid tribute to the model. They stated that they were completely devastated, further asking them to hold on to their loved ones tightly. Further, they implored their fans to not take drug addiction, not as a joke, but to constantly support and help someone going through a relapse.