On Thursday, a group of 11 state assembly members presented a new stimulus check bill aimed at assisting Californians in paying record-high gas costs.
Every California taxpayer will receive a $400 stimulus check refund as part of the measure, which is intended to assist cover the cost of petrol. According to lawmakers, people who do not own or drive a car will still be eligible for a refund due to the state’s rising living costs.
The $9 billion in total financing required for the stimulus check idea would come from the state’s budget surplus.
The Stimulus Check Will Be Given To Counter The Increasing Gas Prices
After the State Assembly adjourned Thursday, Assembly members Cottie Petrie-Norris, Cecilia Aguiar-Curry, Rebecca Bauer-Kahan, Jesse Gabriel, Adam Gray, Jacqui Irwin, Evan Low, Chad Mayes, Blanca Rubio, Sharon Quirk-Silva, and Carlos Villapudua announced the proposal on the North steps of the capitol.
Because all Californians have witnessed an increase in living expenditures, every California filer, including those who do not own or drive a car, will receive a stimulus check under this plan.
Another bill aimed at assisting Californians with high gas costs failed in the assembly on Monday. Republican legislators proposed a suspension of the state’s 51-cent per gallon gas tax, which was defeated on Monday. Gov. Gavin Newsom suggested a gas tax rebate during his State of the State speech. Republican leaders have stated that they would support a gas tax rebate if it came with a gas tax holiday.
For the 23rd day in a row, the average price of a gallon of self-serve regular gasoline in San Diego County jumped 1.5 cents to a new high of $5.82.
According to estimates from the AAA and the Oil Price Information Service, the average price has gained $1.076 throughout the streak, including 3.3 cents on Wednesday. It is $1.09 more than a week ago, $1.084 more than a month ago, and $1.912 more than a year ago.