Gavin Newsom, the California Democratic Governor has dragged his secretary to court to include his party’s name appear next to his on the recall election ballot. In his lawsuit against fellow Democrat Shirley Weber, the Secretary of State, he has tried to cover up for failing to file the proper paperwork.
Back in February 2020 when he initially responded to the recall petition, Gavin Newsom had failed to indicate if he wanted the Democrat name included beside his. This was required under a new law signed by him and which took effect a month before. Before the law, politicians contesting in recall election were not permitted to include their party’s name next to theirs.
Gavin Newsom’s Lawsuit
In his lawsuit, Newsom said that it was ‘an inadvertent but good faith mistake’ by his election attorney. He was required to enter his party’s affiliation next to his name as required by the February 2020 law.
Gavin Newsom’s lawsuit has argued that Secretary of State Shirley Weber should accept the corrected nomination that included his party preference.
It was only this month that his campaign team realized their mistake and filed a petition to include his party’s name with Shirley Weber. But the Secretary of State declined to accept it. Gavin Newsom’s lawsuit has required a ruling by the 12th of next month.
Democrats in the state Legislature voted to change the law to include party preference in recall elections in 2019. Gavin Newsom signed a law to change the recall rules and speed up the election process this Monday.
Gavin Newsom and his campaign team have termed the recall an attempt by right-wing extremists and Trump supporters to take over control from the progressives.
He said that it was a Republican recall initiated by anti-Semites, White Supremacists, and people opposed to immigrants and immigration.