On a dreary day of winter from the outskirts of Paris, Victor Wembanyama had awakened. People in his life and all his fans are incredibly happy upon knowing the situation of the player.
A stadium, probably just a couple of kms away from the Arc de Triomphe, was transformed into a location for photo shoot session, complete with extended lighting rigs and cameras aiming in different directions. This is the place where Victor Wembanyama the NBA sensation is now playing basketball.
He may postpone his club practices till once his shootings are completed. Given that The Metropolitan’s Ninety-two nearly dissolved last season, its long-term viability is still questionable. If a professional volleyball team takes over the dates, it could not even be permitted to play there the next season.
A security team is currently deployed there who will be taking notes and inspecting the seats of the front row anticipating the presence of an important government figure planning to attend the next game. Three general managers from the roughly twelve NBA teams are also anticipated to attend the event.
Victor Wembanyama To Revolutionize NBA:
Victor Webanyama is a great talent of the NBA. It is just another day of his life amidst the preparation strategy that a European teen has never seen before. The French star is the best basketball player and we might see a deadlock over him in the next summer’s draft.
He currently is surrounded by the fans, media and celebs and trying to get the attention of possible sponsors. Meanwhile Victor Wembanyama is getting sleep. He has hired a personal trainer to keep track of his progress.
Alquier, the personal trainer needs Wembanyama to get at least ten hours of sleep every day. Victor’s Parisian agent has also asked for his sleep updates and he wants at least eleven hours of sleep for the player.