Huntington Beach Will Sue Over Gov. Newsom’s Order to Close OC Beaches for Coronavirus; Newport Beach May Follow

Huntington Beach is all set to file a lawsuit against the State of California after governor Gavin Newsom ordered the closing of all beaches of Orange County in a bid to tackle the coronavirus outbreak.

With a vote ratio of 5:2, the beach council of Huntington decided upon suing the state. Members of the Council, Kim Carr, and Barbara Delgleize were against the decision.

The Newport beach refrained from acting upon the decision on Thursday night. Kevin Muldoon, a Councilman appealed that they should follow Huntington in suing the state as Orange county has flattened the curve.

According to a recent voice of OC, over the past month, the Orange county is witnessing an increase in hospitalizations due to COVID-19 cases. This has led to confusion if the county has been able to flatten the curve.

“I would like to call for a special council meeting,” Muldoon said. The meeting would let them join hands with Huntington or other cities of Orange county. This will help them to look for all legal measures available to stand up against the unnecessary ruling of the government that would lead to losing control over local beaches.

That would essentially hand our prior decision to keep the beaches open into the trash bin.” he added.

The Orange county officials refused to take any legal stand. The supervisor of the county, Don Wagner clarified that he would like to negotiate with the state and not take any legal action.

Commenting on Huntington’s decision to file a lawsuit, Wagner said that it is the first of other lawsuits that will follow.

Wagner said that he believed that the country cannot sue the state, legally but individual lawsuits are on their way.

Hoping that Newsom will not put up a legal fight, Wagner said that the governor should listen to the local heads who are in constant touch with health professionals.
