There is a 50-50 answer the Americans have given. Many people are hopeful that the 2024 election would definitely bring changes to the country. And many are backing up the loopholes saying when Trump lost to Biden, it was in the midst of the pandemic so that’s why he couldn’t reach the residents on time. This is the year of Joe Biden. Not much progress has been made, but he has tried. And probably would gain the major votes from the students and residents, he has fought for stimulus checks and student loans.
Joe Biden Might Not Be The Ideal Strong Candidate
Given the American presidential history, people have voted for strong candidates and those candidates had the potential to bring changes and they kept their word. Given Barack Obama’s presidency, everyone was always excited and happy to cheer for. They loved Obama, he had the passion. But somewhere Joe Biden lacks that excitement. The burning passion a president should possess, he doesnt have. They probably like Joe Biden, but they don’t love him. In 2020 they voted for out of compromise, rather biden than trump. They were not provided with vast choices.
And other democrats are at fault, when they should have stood up for Joe Biden more, they backed off. This would cost them much in the future if not taken care of. Joe Biden is much more of a peacemaker than an aggressive fighter. And residents would choose a calm person over anyone. He has promised to do more and he did but seems like the old guy doesnt receive the deserving appreciation from the country. Many raised the question of his age may be an issue to be more enthusiastic.
Joe Biden’s fight for child credit taxes and stimulus checks deserves a big round of applause. The democrats gave their best to bring out the best among their residents, which was blocked by the republicans over and over.