Fans of Friends may believe they have seen all of it, but have they seen the episode when Jennifer Aniston is left out of the editing?
NBC broadcast Friends for ten seasons between 1994 and 2004. A group of twenty-somethings living in NYC were portrayed by Jennifer Aniston (Rachel), Courteney Cox(Monica), Lisa Kudrow (Phoebe), Matt LeBlanc (Joey), Matthew Perry (Chandler), and David Schwimmer (Ross) in the cherished television series.
Jennifer Aniston’s Stand-In Actor In Multiple Scenes From The Show
Over ten years after the popular sitcom’s debut, a keen-eyed fan noticed an editing error in episode 15 of season 9, “The One With the Mugging,” and the revelation has since gone viral. In the clip, Rachel bursts into Monica’s apartment to let Joey know he got an audition along with Jeff Goldblum’s fake A-list performer Leonard Hayes. The camera moves to Joey after she has finished sharing the news, who is shown standing close to “Rachel.”
Fans soon realized that was Jennifer Aniston’s stand-in and not the real Aniston who was next to LeBlanc. This wasn’t the only time an error in editing was included in the final product. Loyal Friends viewers saw Rachel changed with another stand-in performer 12m and 20s into the fourth episode of that season earlier in the program.
Joey joins Rachel and Monica at the table as they are already seated. Rachel may be seen in the real picture with wavy hair and a mustard shirt. However, the actress playing Rachel was visible in the lower-left corner of the display sporting a blue shirt and having straight hair when the camera ultimately pans to Monica. The Friends team reunited in May 2021 for an HBO Special Friends Reunion Episode, which had been apart for 17 years. The actors discussed the way their show had changed them over the years and what the show meant to all of them in their personal and professional lives during the program.