Joe Biden Signs A New Bill That Criminalizes Lynching In America


There has been buzz that Joe Biden, the President of America has signed new legislation that criminalizes lynching and made it a federal hate offense. This bill is regarded as epic and ancient as it was tried for approximately 100 years to pass it. However, Joe Biden took no time to sign and pass the bill which proved that he delivers what promised once. 

Good News For American Citizens As Lynching Is A Crime Now

In the words of Joe Biden in the White House, he stated that he has officially signed the Emmett Till Antilynching Act, which made it a federal offense and will penalize people for that. Lynching was a terror for the people of America and it gave a clear message that every individual in the country is not equal. This practice is totally against the civil rights that have been won after huge fights and efforts from the ancestors. 

The name of the Act was kept after a boy who was just 14 years old and was mercilessly killed after an American woman gave an accusation that he teased her with a whistle. As per this act, any individual who will try to murder someone or plan to commit a hate offense against someone will be convicted and be punished with a maximum sentence of thirty years. 

According to Kamala Harris, the Vice President of America, lynching is one of the crimes that has always brought shame to Americans as thousands of people have died due to this hateful thought process. Kamala Harris also co-sponsored this bill when she was a Senator of the U.S.

The bill was passed unanimously on 7th March in the Senate after it was refused in 2020 and people who advocated for this bill like Rep. Bobby Rush rejoiced after the news. Rush pushed this bill in the House again in February and was beside Biden till it was passed successfully.