Jonathan India Named Year’s Best Rookie

Jonathan India
Jonathan India

Jonathan India is one of the best athletes in America. He is one of the most promising baseball players at the moment. He was born on 15th December 1996. He always had a liking for baseball. India started playing baseball when he was in college. He played for the American Heritage School. His first introduction to the mainstream NFL was in 2018. It was in this year the Cincinnati Reds drafted him into their mix. 

Since then, India has been a devoted player for the Reds. He has performed brilliantly for his team. He has helped them and led them to several memorable victories. Jonathan India seems to be on cloud nine at the moment. He has been awarded the best rookie award recently. This award means a lot to the athlete. He has won the accolade after quite a long time. The last time anyone achieved the feat was in 1999. Scott Williamson won the award twenty-two years back. Let us know more about the incident in detail below. 

Jonathan India Adjudged The Best 

Jonathan India is a very happy man at the moment. He beat Dylan Carlson & Trevor Rogers to win the Rookie Of The Year award. What made it more special was the presence of his loved ones. India stated that he had his family beside him at the moment of the announcement. Johnny Bench announced the name of the winner much to the ecstasy of his family. 

Jonathan had a mind-blowing season and was the fitting winner. He won twenty-nine votes out of thirty to win the title. He seemed very much satisfied after the announcement was made. India stated that he worked very hard for the betterment of the team. Jonathan India was very happy to have his name announced by Bench. He expressed his joy and referred to the moment as magical.