Ken Paxton Has Spoken About Being Sued By State Bar

Ken Paxton
Ken Paxton

Ken Paxton, the Attorney General for Texas, stated on Friday that the state bar was suing him for misconduct that was related to his lawsuit that challenged the presidential election of 2020. In a statement that he released on social media, he stated that he had recently gained knowledge that the Texa State Bar had major plans of suing him and his top deputy for filing the Texas vs Penn: the historic challenge to the unconstitutional 2020 presidential election which was then joined by almost half of the states and close to a hundred members of Congress. 

Ken Paxton Is About To Sue A Major Foundation

Just a couple of hours after Ken Paxton mentioned that he was going to get sued by the bar, his office announced a major investigation into the Texas Bar Foundation for facilitating a massive influx of illegal aliens through the donation of money to groups that would encourage, participate, and fund the movement of illegal immigrants at the Mexico-Texas border. The Foundation had been originally set up for attorneys and usually raises money to provide legal services and education. It is also different from the State Bar of Texas- which is the body that is allegedly suing Paxton.

One of the trial lawyers from Houston, Alistair Dawson, mentioned in a press release that the entire foundation was quite disappointed to learn that Ken Paxton had suddenly decided to use the dollars of the taxpayers on a largely fruitless exercise. He also spoke about how the foundation never received the funds from taxpayers- as its grants were being paid in donations by Texas lawyers. 

Dawson finally mentioned that if Ken Paxton had simply taken the time to come and speak to the authorities at the Foundation directly, he was confident that Paxton would not find anything wrong with the Foundation. Yet, since Paxton had already decided to investigate, the Foundation would be happy to cooperate with any demands the office of the AG would put before them.