Lauren Boebert Wins House Election After Her Opponent Concedes Defeat

Lauren Boebert
Lauren Boebert

Lauren Boebert, a notoriously polarizing Republican US Representative has retained her seat in a close race following Adam Frisch conceding defeat. The businessman and a former councilman in Aspen, Colorado called Lauren Boebert, conceding the contest.

The election appeared headed for a recount with Lauren Boebert ahead by less than 600 votes, with over 325,000 casts in the November 8 midterms. In an interview, the Democrat candidate said that it appeared unlikely that the recount would have much effect on the results. He said that it would be futile to pour more money into an effort he said was not destined to succeed.

Republicans have regained control of the House which will lead to a divided government until the 2024 presidential election as the Democrats continue to control the Senate. The House Republicans are in a position to block a majority of President Biden’s agenda.

With Lauren Boebert’s win, the Republicans have 219 seats in the House compared to just 212 for the Democrats. Four more races are also headed for a close call. Lauren Boebert first took centerstage in 2020 after her refusal to shut her restaurant to comply with Colorado’s COVID-19 restraints.

This move endeared her to conservatives in the rural areas in the southwestern part of Colorado that was strongly opposed to federal efforts to isolate and contain the COVID-19 pandemic, one reason that it spread so rapidly in America taking over a million lives.

Lauren Boebert’s Close Race Has Raised Questions About The Relevance Of Trump To The Republicans

In the primaries, she defeated a 5-term incumbent and won the elections. She and Georgia’s Marjorie T. Green are two of the staunchest supporters of Trump and his divisive and controversial policies.

She faced criticism and calls for resignation after she went on social media to disclose the whereabouts of several Congress members during the January 6, 2021 riots at the Capitol.

Lauren Boebert was strongly favored to get a huge majority after the Republicans emerged stronger after redistricting. But the close race has again raised questions about the relevance of Trump to the Republicans.