Eligible residents in Los Angeles County will soon be receiving $ 1,000 worth of stimulus check. This stimulus check, which will be provided to 200 qualifying individuals, will be dispensed under the guaranteed income welfare program known as Breathe. Breathe has undertaken the initiative to provide a direct monthly payment to the 200 chosen candidates, over the course of 2 years. This stimulus check will be dispensed from June 20 onwards to July 3 of this year.
The welfare program Breathe, aims and focuses on young individuals who were formerly under the care of the Department of Children and Family Services of Los Angeles County. Who have now become adults. 200 applicants were randomly selected under this program, who would now receive the monthly direct stimulus payment, which they may spend as they wish. Previously under the Breathe welfare program, 1,000 such former foster children were selected, who are being provided with the same $ 1,000 stimulus check but for a course of 3 years, now the program is adding 200 new individuals for the stimulus payment.
Eligibility Criteria For The Los Angeles County Stimulus Check
To qualify for the stimulus check that is being provided by the Los Angeles County program, applicants must fulfill the necessary criteria. The applicant may certainly be formerly under the foster care of the Department of Children and Family Services of Los Angeles County. The applicant requires to be at least 21 years old or have not become the age of 24 before September 1 of 2022. The applicants for this stimulus check bus have been negatively affected by the Covid 19 pandemic. The applying person also requires to belong from a household with income, which is below 100% for a single member and 120% for more than 2 member households, of the average income of the designated area.