Mandy Patinkin is a Hollywood actor. He is known for his unique mannerisms and skillful acting. Patinkin has worked both on and off the stage. His hard work and zeal to succeed make him stand above the rest. The actor enjoys a wonderful career. He is famous for his work in the movie The Princess Bride. Patinkin plays the role of Inigo Montoya in the film. The actor recently opened up about the reason he chose to take up the Montoya character. The question was asked by a fan of Tiktok. Mandy Patinkin revealed his inspiration for choosing the role.
Mandy Patinkin Opens Up About Inigo Montoya
A Tiktoker, who seemed to be sad asked several questions to Mandy. He decided to answer his fans and shared a touching story last Tuesday. Mandy opened up about the motivation for taking up the role of Inigo Montoya. This was the character he played in The Princess Bride. Patinkin is highly praised for his performances in the film.
A popular rumor had surfaced about one particular dialogue from the movie. The movie has a scene where the characters of Montoya & Count Rugen are fighting. Montoya(Patinkin) at one point states that He wants his father back. This was the dialogue that caught the limelight. Speculations ran wild. Fans and followers predicted that the line was delivered while Patinkin remembered his dad. Amanda Webb was the Tiktok fan who asked the question to Mandy.
Mandy Patinkin’s father suffered from Cancer. After a long battle, he finally succumbed to the deadly disease. Patinkin confirmed the rumor to be true. He also stated that the role of Inigo was taken as a tribute to his father. Mandy stated that he portrayed Rugen as cancer. He wanted to defeat Cancer(Count Rugen) and bring back his father.