Mare of Easttown is an American miniseries from the genre of crime drama. It debuted on the streaming channel, HBO. The miniseries premiered on the 18th of April. The role of the protagonist is carried out by the British actress, Kate Winslet. She plays the role of a police detective. The creator of the crime drama is Brad Ingelsby.
Mare Of Easttown Starring Kate Winslet
The opening shot of the Mare of Easttown is all about the town of Easttown. During the dawn, viewers are shown the scenes involving the houses and the factory lights of the place. As the show proceeds, Mare Sheehan, the name of the character of Kate Winslet, is approached by one of the senior citizens in order to look into the case of someone who prowls into the area where they live.
Mare Sheenan then goes to the station. There, she is told by her boss, Chief Carton, who is played by John Douglas Thompson, that one of the county detectives is going to aide her. That is for the investigation of a teen called Katie Bailey, whose role is played by Caitlyn Houlahan. In the Mare of Easttown, the character of Katie is seen to be missing for a year. This is something that has been bothering Mare Sheenan a lot since there is nothing to be found about the missing teen. She has not been able to catch hold of any evidence.
This is not the only thing that is bothering Mare Sheenan in the crime series. She has other serious issues to handle. They include her situation with her brother, Freddie, who is played by Dominique Hanson. In the Mare of Easttown, the role of Kate Winslet gets her ankle twisted while she runs after her brother, Freddie, who is a drug addict.