Melania Trump loses her Chief of Staff, Stephanie Grisham from office after the violent protests that broke out at Capitol Hill on Wednesday, January, 6.
Stephanie Grisham was also the White House Communications Director prior to becoming Melania Trump’ East Wing Staff. She had joined the Trump Administration back in 2015 as a campaign press wrangler. Her career had taken a flight soon after that. From her position at the campaign trails, she went to become the White House Deputy Press Secretary and worked under Sean Spicer. In March, 2017, the First Lady, Melania Trump hired her to manage the West Wing as a member of the staff. Before resigning she held the position of the Chief of Staff.
Melania Trump’s Chief Of Staff Resigns Office After 5 Years Of Service Owing To Capitol Hill Violence
In a press statement Grisham mentioned that she is proud to be associated with Melania Trump’s mission to support and aid children. However, even the long-term Trump Administration official found it hard to gulp down the violence that happened at Capitol Hill on Wednesday.
Along with Stephanie Grisham, another White House official, namely Anna Cristina Niceta, also known as Rickie called it quits after the historical incident that happened in the Capitol.
Rickie was the White House Social Secretary who, along with Grisham were two of the longest-serving officials under Trump’s administration.
Niceta was hired into the Trump Administration in 2017 as a social secretary. She was responsible for looking over all White House events, meetings, galas, picnics and so on.
But the list doesn’t end here. Several other officials expressed their dissatisfaction with President Trump’s silence over the violence incited at Capitol Hill. To join the bandwagon, Sarah Matthews too resigned on Wednesday. She further mentioned in a statement that she was honored to serve this administration but was shocked at the incident on Wednesday.