According to recent news, Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) voiced a strong opposition to Republicans and Trump aides’ claim that the results of the 2020 Presidential election was unfair and unjust. The Republican argued on the Senate floor this Wednesday that these claims of voter-fraud were completely baseless and that he would not approve of these unsubstantiated claims any further.
“Count me out” was his snide remark to his fellow Republicans’ attempt to block the final decision declared by the Electoral College in favor of the President-elect Joe Biden.
The Senator, sources claim, was never completely onboard with the plan to block the final results against Trump. However, earlier he was ready to listen to his fellow Republican Senators but on Wednesday night he drew the line saying “enough is enough” on the Senate floor.
Lindsey Graham Gives History Lesson To Fellow Republicans
Lindsey Graham did not stop at that. He went to teach all his fellow Republicans and all those trying to block the Electoral College’s decision on Biden victory, a lesson in history.
Objectors of the Election results had earlier stated the precedence of the 1876 Presidential Elections that happened between Rutherford B. Hayes and Samuel Tilden. He stated that objectors are drawing a false parallel. He goes on to explain that the results of that year were disputed in the states of Oregon, Florida, South Carolina and Louisiana. In accordance with those disputes a 15-member Electoral Commission was formed to look into the matter. In the contest, Rutherford Hayes had received the number of votes required to become the President.
However, he delves deeper into the matter fact-checking for his fellow Senators that the settlement of that election did not happen because of the commission. It was a compromise win that worked out a deal between the Democrats and the Republicans that the Reconstruction era will be put to end before Hayes is accepted as the President.