‘Modern Family’ Streaming Rights Are Received By Hulu, Peacock

Modern family
Modern family

The former ABC American sitcom, Modern Family of Disney, has made a comeback with a streaming debut from 3rd February 2021.

The ABC comedy has found two very popular streaming homes for their extensive library of 11 seasons. Hulu is backed by Disney while Peacock is supported by NBC Universal. In the recent deal, both Hulu and Peacock have decided to share the streaming rights for the entire 250 episodes of Modern Family. However, the financial terms of this deal have not yet been made public.

Streaming Comeback Of Modern Family

The deal of several years indicates the very first time that the whole library of the 22 times Emmy winning ABC comedy Modern Family is now available through both subscription, as well as advertiser, supported service.

Peacock will be alternating 12 episodes through their free service starting with the pilot episode while the remaining episodes will be available to the subscribers. The multi-year deal between NBC Universal and Disney, which owns Modern Family, enables Peacock to upstart bolstering the comedy library. The show will be joining a roster along with ‘Saturday Night Live’, ‘Parks & Recreation’, ’30 Rock’, and ‘The Office’.

This shared deal indicates that Peacock has landed one of the last hit shows of the broadcast that has an extensive library at a minimal cost. This deal is also greatly profitable for Hulu as it gains additional exposure to Modern Family on a platform along with The Office. As a result of it has now become the hub of the best American comedies.

Disney and NBC Universal have a previously made deal that led to the syndication of USA Network for Modern Family to be their part with $1.5 million for each episode. As a result, this deal is hugely beneficial to all.