The stocks of FB have been predicted to release their earnings data on the 28th of April. Several analysts have already expected that the company will be posting an EPS of $2.36 for the quarter.
FB previously updated their quarterly result in the stock market on the 27th of Wednesday. The company for social networking had reported an EPS of $3.88 for the quarter, which was more than the consensus estimate of $3.24 as set by Thomson Reuters. The revenue earned by the business for this quarter was $28.10 billion, which was more than the consensus estimate of $26.43 billion. The net margin for the company was 32%, with a 23.27% return on its equity.
Market Undertakings Of FB Stock
There have been quite a few research equities that have commented on the stocks of FB. JPMorgan Chase & Co has increased the price target of the company from $330 to $360, with a rating of overweight in a 28th January research report. Moffett Nathanson has also increased the price target of the company from $285 to $325 in a 15th January research report.
Deutsche Bank has also increased the price target of the company from $355 to $385 with a rating of buy in a 29th March research report. In the end, the Bank of America presented the company with a rating of buy, and a price target of $345 in a 15th January research report.
One of the investment analysts covering the firm has already given it a rating of sell, while six others have given it hold. Close to thirty-six other investment analysts have provided the company with a rating of buy. Currently, FB has a buy rating with a $326.78 price target.