PVAC Stock Has Been Bestowed An Average Rating Of “Hold” By Brokerages


Penn Virginia (NASDAQ: PVAC) received an average recommendation of “Hold” by the 7 research firms currently covering the company’s stocks. Four research analysts have issued a rating of “hold” on the company’s stocks, two analysts have issued a rating of “buy” on the company’s stocks. The average price objective for 12 months among analysts covering the stock is $11.50 last year.

PVAC has been the topic of many brokerage reports.ValuEngine upgraded its ratings on the company’s stocks from “sell” to “hold” on November 2nd, Monday. Zacks Research upgraded its ratings on the company’s stocks from “sell” to “hold” on October 8th, Thursday. Lastly, Northland Securities reissued its ratings of “hold” and set a price objective of $8.00 on the company’s stocks on October 28th, Wednesday.

PVAC opened on Monday at $11.63.The company has $9.00 as its moving average for 50 days and $10.26 as its moving average for 200 days. The firm has 0.94 as its ratio between the debt and equity, a 1.43 current ratio, and a 1.43 quick ratio. The company has $0.99 as its one-year low and $32.30 as its one-year high. 

The company has $176.78 million in market capitalization,1.40 as its ratio between price and earnings, and a 3.79 beta. The company posted an EPS of $1.14 this quarter, beating the $0.88 consensus estimate by $0.26.The firm had 20.69% equity returns and 33.22% net margin along with $69.41 million in quarterly revenues.

PVAC Company Profile

PVAC is an independent gas and oil company that engages in the production, onshore exploration, and development of liquid natural gas, natural gas, and crude oil across the US. It operates wells primarily in South Texas’s Ford Eagle Shale field. Till 31st December 2019, the company has approximately 133M barrels in oil equivalent, a gross 510 productive wells along with owning royalty and leasehold interests measuring about a gross 100,200 acres.