Even as Ukraine continues to reel under Russian attack on multiple fronts, the Ukrainian Digital Transformation Ministry announced today the unveiling of the Meta History Museum Of War featuring only NFTs. Mykhailo Fedorov, the besieged nation’s minister of digital transformation, declared that the nation would go the cryptocurrency even as Russia continues to attack Ukraine with tanks.
The war museum, as it can be surmised, is not a physical entity but just a website. The collection has been created with the support of the ministry and chronicles recent events in the conflict between Ukraine and Russia.
The Ukraine NFTs Collection Features Both International And Ukrainian Digital Artists
The collection has been created with the support of the ministry and chronicles the recent events in the war. It includes reflections from international and Ukrainian digital artists. Though there appears to be a catch.
All that is displayed on the website is up for sale. Each image is linked to an NFT that has been issued by Fair NFT. This platform uses the Polygon network and the ETH Blockchain.
The images will remain concealed until they are sold. So you are not aware of what you are buying till you have paid for it. The museum has stated that by buying MetaHistory, you are helping reveal the truth.
The site has stated that they are building a Meta History: Museum of War, and that it should never be forgotten. It further stated that the total funds raised will be for the support of Ukrainian soldiers and civilians. It stated that recent events will not be forgotten.
The collection of Warline NFTs will cost around $468. The assets will be sold chronologically. Fedorov has called the platform a celebration of the freedom and identity of Ukraine that keeps alive the memory of war. The funds will be directly transferred to the digital transformation ministry.