The American comedy-drama series The Bear premiered its season 2 on June 22 on the streaming network Hulu. American film producer Christopher Storer created the Bear. The first season of the television series was released on June 23 of 2022. Previously in season one of The Bear, Carmen played by Jeremy Allen White is a renowned chef from New York City who comes to his family in Chicago and takes charge of the family-owned sandwich shop when his brother commits suicide. Carmen now deals with loans left unpaid by his brother and an unruly staff with whom he as the narration goes on has the most hilarious interactions.
The series stars eminent actors in the main cast like Lionel Boyce, Ayo Edebiri, Ebon Moss-Bachrach, Matty Matheson, Liza Colón-Zayas, and Abby Elliot. The series also has multiple recurring guest stars such as Molly Gordon, Chris Witsake, Oliver Platt, Amy Morton, and many others. Season 2 starts with the episode Beef and so far has received some positive reviews.
The Bear Season 2 Has Guest Appearance By Big Stars
Season 2 of The Bear, has a long list of famous Hollywood actors guest appearing in various episodes. The plot of The Bear now shifts to Carmen launching a restaurant at his family sandwich joint. We get to see Will Poulter as a pastry chef, while Sarah Paulson makes an appearance as Michele, a cousin of Carmen who has managed to get out of the dysfunctional Berzatto family as she went away to New York. Olivia Coleman, The Crown actress was seen in episode 7, who plays a head chef and owner of a 3-star Michelin restaurant. Other renowned stars include Adam Shapiro, Rene Gube, Sarah Ramos, Joel McHale, Gillian Jacobs, and Dylan Patel among others.