As the party pushes forward with reassessing its primary calendar, Democratic Party leaders are gathering this week to hear presentations from 16 states and Puerto Rico that want to conduct the first presidential nomination contests in 2024. Republicans in Michigan and Minnesota, who must concur if those states want to rearrange their state-run primary elections, may have a say in Democratic ambitions to change the Midwest’s 2024 Presidential Calendar.
2024 Presidential Calendar Has 16 States Fighting For The Starting Position
With presentations from 16 states and Puerto Rico to serve as one of the starting locations for the 2024 Presidential Calendar election, the dynamic adds an unwelcome aspect to sessions of the Democratic Rules and Bylaws Committee planned to begin on Wednesday in Washington.
At the meetings, the whole early-state schedule will be up for grabs, but the debate is anticipated to center on identifying a potential Midwestern substitute for Iowa, which Democratic leaders lost faith in following the disastrous 2020 primary. According to those familiar with the 2024 Presidential Calendar conversations, the three other traditional early states of New Hampshire, Nevada, and South Carolina are anticipated to maintain key roles in the early stages of the nominating process.
Three states are vying to take Iowa’s place as the Midwestern delegate in the early state order: Michigan, Minnesota, and Illinois. However, Illinois’ campaign is hindered by the fact that it is not a swing county for presidential elections, has a pricey media market in Chicago, and would be mostly populated by residents of one metro region.
According to state law, the Minnesota Democrats’ proposal would require the approval of the state’s Republican Chairman, while the Michigan Democrats’ proposal would call for the approval of Republican leaders in the legislature. Both have remained silent.