Chris Harrison, the host of the reality show, Bachelor, made an apology for the comments he made previously. This is not the first apology that he has made. All this issue originates from the fact that the host has passed comments excusing the racist past of a current contestant. Not only that but he also stated that his desire for making his return to the show. Chris Harrison has taken a leave of absence from the show.
Chris Harrison’s True Intentions
He attended an interview, Good Morning America. It aired on Thursday. Chris Harrison mentioned his mistakes in the interview. He stated that he was far from being a perfect man. He further stated that he will not run away from the mistakes he committed.
The 49-year-old television show host stated that he is not defined by his mistakes. And that is not what he stands for. He further went on to say that he was already on his path of commitment towards progressing as a person. And that was chosen by him not only for personal reasons but also for the same of the franchise.
Michael Strahan, another television host gave a statement following that of Chris Harrison. The statement was made in an interview he attended. He said that whatever was said by Harrison was just a “surface response.” Strahan further spoke on the bigger intentions of Harrison. He claimed that the Bachelor host had no intentions of giving up on the show. He concluded by stating that the real intentions of Strahan can only get revealed by time itself.
This is the first time that the show, Bachelor, is getting the lead of a Black male. This is the first time in the history of 20 years. However, this in no way means that the show is free of any controversy.