It seems like the superstar of the movie Jackass, Bam Margera, is not very happy with the fourth part of the movie. The 41-year-old actor wants a boycott of the stunt movie. He displayed his mental health issues post the video snippets that he had posted which now stands to be deleted. Those videos had detailed information about what the actor had to go through while the movie was getting filmed.
The Bam Margera starring movie comes out in the month of September. There seems to be an irregularity with regard to the casting of the movie. The actor has put up claims concerning the production issues of the movie. It is claimed that he was not allowed to have a role in the production of the movie.
Bam Margera’s Plead Videos
In the first few videos posted by him; the actor gave a clear statement with regard to the abovementioned issue. He has urged fans to not watch the movie as he has no role to play in it. He also went on to claim the fact that the movie does not only have his participation in the form of a casted actor. Some of the concepts of Bam Margera is also involved in the stunt movie.
The actor stated that it was he who provided numerous ideas for the film. And hence it would be an injustice if the movie gets released without him. He went on to say that he was told by the Paramount Picture authorities to take medications to help him deal with the issues of depression.
Bam Margera ended his plead by requesting his fans to “boycott Jackass”. The representatives for the Paramount Pictures had been approached to make comments following the claims. However, nothing came from them.