Bill De Blasio, the mayor of New York City, introduced a new set of regulations with regard to the coronavirus vaccines and the education system of the city. The officials warned the teaching staff stating that if the given conditions are not fulfilled then they will not be receiving their salaries.
Bill De Blasio Regulation Details
As per the details of the provision introduced by Bill De Blasio, the teaching staff will be excluded from the payrolls if they do not get vaccinated and provide proof of it. At least the first dose must be taken by the people. The deadline set of this provision is until the midnight of 27th of September, which falls on a Monda, as stated by the NYC mayor belonging to the Democratic Party, Bill De Blasio. The money will be provided on the 28th of September that falls on a Tuesday.
The employees of different schools within the city were reached out by the education department. It was stated that those who do not follow the vaccination mandates will be subjected to disciplinary actions. And as a result, they could also be terminated from their jobs. This incident took place on the 23rd of September that fell on a Thursday. The email stated that all members who were a part of the Education Department were to present proof of their vaccination documents.
They also mentioned the date of the deadline. They also stated that exceptional cases like an approved document specifying vaccine exemption will only be exempted from the new rule. Bill De Blasio’s newly introduced rule also states that those people who are devoid of any documented exemption will be forced to unpaid leave for a span of one year. Either that or will have to leave the education department along with a discontinuance wage.