Despite his remarkable election victory, Donald Tusk continues to face impediments as he aims to restore liberal democracy in his country. The Polish ex-premier will return to power given his impressive election victory. But deep divisions persist in society and politics in his nation.
Donald Tusk returned to Warsaw in 2021 after his stint as the President of the European Council between 2014 and 2019. He has made it very clear from the start that his leitmotif, and obsession, was unity. He has always stressed that what Europe needed was the protection of its fundamental values of freedom, solidarity, unity against the threats of the European Union, and also unity among its nations.
In 2021 Tusk prevailed with the call to oust evil from Poland, ousting the right-wing Law and Justice party of Jaroslaw Kaczynski.
Donald Tusk Realizes That Restoring Democracy Tougher Than Creating It
Last week his Civic Platform party combined with 2 smaller parties in the opposition to win a parliamentary victory in a fight that was fiercely fought. His ability to mobilize people stood him in good stead. His voters heeded his words that it was an existential fight in Poland. He impressed upon them that it was a desperate fight to restore democracy.
Donald Tusk was elected prime minister close to two months after a national election that was won by a coalition of parties ranging from moderate conservative to left-wing.
Donald Tusk entered politics as a student activist linked to the Solidarity movement against the communists. However, the collapse of communism brought no respite for the Polish people.
The nation is deeply polarized between the right-wing supporters of Kaczynski and Donald Tusk. The new government wants a quick restoration of democracy and a focus on the future of the nation. But President Duda continues to exercise significant veto power and the ability to delay change.
The PiS is marginalized but has the power to cause chaos and hysteria. However, opinion polls indicate that there is no indication that the result will be any different. But nothing can be ruled out when it comes to Polish politics.