Sen. Lindsey Graham was chastised by the Ethics Committee of the Senate on Thursday for requesting campaign donations five times in the course of a media appearance within a Capitol office property, violating Senate regulations. The two-party committee issued a public notice chastising the Republican of South Carolina for collecting funds for Herschel Walker’s candidature in the Senate office of Russel during an appearance on Fox News on November 30, 2022. Soliciting political contributions in government buildings is strictly against the rules of the Senate.
In the issued notice reprimanding Sen. Lindsey Graham, Democrat, Chris Coons, who is the Chair wrote along with a Republican, James Lankford, who happens to be the Vice Chair, that using funds for partisan activities is strictly prohibited and that the contributions collected must be used for the public interest.
Sen. Lindsey Graham Apologizes For His Mistake
In response to this, Sen. Graham issued a public notice apologizing for his mistake and promising to act better from then on. A supporter of Lindsey Graham commented that the mistake might have been a result of his unawareness of the venue of that particular interview. He did not know that it was being held in a federal building. It was also added that immediately after realizing his mistake Graham himself called two officers to apologize for it.
According to the letter, the public reprimand occurred when the senator breached Senate rules again in 2020, October. Sen. Lindsey Graham solicited contributions for self-campaign, in an interview within the Dirksen Senate Office Building but the committee of Ethics deemed his actions to be somewhat of little importance then.