George Santos, the Republican Congress-elect has confirmed findings by The New York Times that he neither graduated nor was part of the two major firms on Wall Street as he earlier claimed. Santos admitted to a long list of misrepresentations about his background, property holdings, and his academic qualification.
But George Santos continues to harbor ambition of taking the oath on January 3 to join Congress. The Republican from New York was elected this November and represents parts of northeast Queens and Long Island. He admitted to most of the major allegations of the inquiry into his past but has said that he has been misrepresented by the NYT.
George Santos Alleged That He Was Being Branded A Criminal
George Santos said that his only sin was that he embellished his resume but admitted to being a college graduate. Ha also said that he made misleading claims of having worked for Goldman Sachs and Citigroup. His claims that his family-owned real estate comprising over a dozen properties also turned out to be false.
George Santos, the first gay Republican to admit to his orientation, has won a House seat as a non-incumbent. He has also admitted that the owed rent ran into thousands and that he had been secretly married for years. He said that he had dated women earlier, but said that it was something personal. He said that people change, referring to his sexual orientation.
The admission by George Santos ran through two successive bids for the House of Representatives, with him losing the first one. There has also been an inexplicable sudden swing in his fortunes as he has recently been able to contribute around $700,000 to his political campaign. He claimed that he was not the criminal that he was being made out to be.