Donald Trump, the former President of America, sued Hillary Clinton, his rival in the presential election of the U.S. in 2016 along with many other Democratic members. This is because Donald Trump felt that all of them mentioned above tried to tamper with the election by connecting his campaign to Russia and manipulating people.
Hillary Clinton Is Accused By Trump Of Spreading False Information
The lawsuit covered numerous grievances against Hillary Clinton where he stated that after he beat her in the election, she continuously spread wrong and false information regarding him. As per Donald Trump, he lost the election in 2020 against the President of Democrats, Joe Biden, due to the widespread false news about him.
The lawsuit contained 108 pages and was filed in the Floridian Court with the view that the Defendants conspired against him and spread a false narrative about him just before the election. The lawsuit alleged Hillary Clinton and her team for racketeering and conspiring to spread false information among numerous other claims.
As per the suit, it claims punitive damages and compensation. In the words of Donald Trump, the total expense stands to $24,000,000 which will include all his expenses, like defense costs, related expenses, and legal costs. In the views of a lawyer, Jeff Grell, Donald Trump might have brought the case a little late. The limitation period of every racketeering case is four years, however there are disputes regarding when the time begins.
Jeff Grell also stated that Hillary Clinton and her defense can easily tackle the suit by numerous defenses like the immunity that is given to all the Government agents lack of a pattern in the racketeering area and the defense of free speech. However these defenses are solved after the litigation is protracted. Christopher Steele, a former officer in the British Intelligence, is one of the defendants in the lawsuit of Donald Trump.