In the famous sitcom Rick and Morty, the co-creator Justin Roiland, has been banned from the series. And the production has cut ties with him. The person who lends his voice to create such a dope character is somehow not the kind of a person in his real life. He has been charged with domestic violence and adult swim network, won’t let anything harm them at any cost.
There Are Legal ‘Charges’ Against Justin Roiland
The voice behind the intoxicated and sarcastic king Rick of Rick and Morty, Justin Roiland has various legal charges against him. And the charges are costing him his job. The adult Swim production has cut ties with him.
In 2020, Roiland was charged with domestic violence, fraud, and imprisonment. And his shady business with Jane Doe, whom he was dating back then. He was arrested and then released after a $50,000 fine, in august 2020. Justin Roiland was even ordered to keep his distance at least 100 feet from the victim. He is currently preparing for trial.
Marie Moore, who is a senior vice president of communications of the Warner brothers, has made this clear to the media that Adult swim has severely cut any kind of ties with Justin Roiland. His being involved could have jeopardized the successful series, which also airs on Netflix. With many big brands involved, the head of those brands could have taken legal action against him and the production.
Roiland’s attorney is trying hard to clear his name from ‘false allegations’ and they are confident they are going to win the case. He has now multiple allegations of abuse. Justin Roiland’s voice is going to be re-casted for the show, and other nitty-gritty will be shared later. Justin Roiland has now two active projects he has been working on, this is not shared about what the other two project heads will be doing with him.