“Lightsaber,” the realistic weapon from the sequel, Star Wars, is set to be a part of the new hotel of “Galactic Star Cruiser” at Disney World. It is said to open in the year 2022. Fans will be able to witness a realistic glowing lightsaber very soon. It will be a part of a theme park that can be visited very soon. It was built by Disney after drawing inspiration from the movies, Star Wars. Both the sound and the look had been mimicked.
“Lightsaber,” Star Wars Hotel, Halcyon Starcruiser Trip, And Much More…
An announcement came in this Tuesday with regard to the new addition. It was stated that the newly introduced prop will complement the experience of the guests visiting the hotel that carries the theme of Star Wars. The hotel is in Walt Disney. This was told to a few reporters through video presentations in the month of April. It is said that the hotel of the Galactic Starcruiser of Star Wars is set to open by the year 2022.
As per reports, the guests will be able to enjoy the “story living” adventure of two-day and two-night. They will be made aboard the starcruiser, Halcyon. The guests will also have to go through the training that will involve the lightsaber. Not only that but they will be made to learn the spaceship’s defense system as well as the navigation system.
However, there is one highlight of the journey. And that is Rey. visitors will get to interact with her. Rey is the one who will wield the realistic lightsaber of Disney. There is a video that reveals the details of the lightsaber. It is the same as the one from Star Wars, right from the looks to the humming sound that it produces.
The first announcement was given by Josh D’Amaro, the Chairman of Disney Park. After the video presentation got over, he took to displaying the Lightsaber.