Naomi Campbell, one of the most popular supermodels of the world, embarked on a journey to motherhood. She took to the social media platform, Instagram, in order to let the world know about it. The supermodel shared a picture that reveals her holding the feet of her firstborn baby. The post was shared on the 18th of May
Naomi Campbell’s “Beautiful Little Blessing”
The 50-year-old supermodel shared a heartfelt caption to her post revealing her being a mother. She referred to her daughter to be a “beautiful blessing”, “gentle soul” and “my angel.” And said that she was chosen to be her mom. Naomi Campbell expressed her happiness and gratefulness in being the mother of her daughter writing that she is out of words to describe the bond that she will now be sharing with her newborn. She stated that the bond will remain throughout her life. The supermodel also stated that this is the greatest love that exists in the world. The post attracted several friends and fans of the supermodel to come forth and posted lovely comments.
The famous people who shared their love for Naomi Campbell over the comment section include Zoe Saldana, Marc Jacobs, and Jodie Turner-Smith. Zoe Saldana congratulated the new mother. She also said that she was blessed to have this gift. Saldana posted a bunch of red hearts to her comment. Marc Jacobs, the American fashion designer wrote that both Naomi Campbell and her daughter were happy to have each other in their lives. March also expressed his excitement for his friend. He also stated that she would be an amazing mother to her daughter. Jodie Turner-Smith, the British model and actress congratulated the British supermodel and her family for the lovely addition.