Piers Morgan was a recent inductee to the list of covid infected. The pandemic has wreaked havoc all over the world already. It did not seem to give us a respite anytime soon. The fear of the third wave is looming large. More and more people are getting infected with the virus each day. Morgan was the latest to fall victim to the dreadful virus. He claimed to be positive with the virus following his return from the Euro finals.
Piers Morgan Not Happy With Wembley, Is Down With Covid
Morgan went to cover the Euro Cup finals at the Wembley stadium recently. Immediately after coming back from his project, he contracted the covid 19 viruses.
The virus was speculated to be the Delta strain. He pointed towards the finals for contracting the disease. While covering the match between England & Italy, Morgan noticed some issues. He expected the event to be well maintained. The covid protocols were supposed to be followed strictly. However, he was shocked to see otherwise. The journalist stated that entries were not properly monitored. Anyone and everyone was allowed inside the stadium premises.
Piers Morgan said he started experiencing the symptoms immediately after returning from London. He felt sick and was down with fever. Pierce quickly went for a test. The reports of the PCR & Flow test confirmed his covid. He stated that he experienced some serious symptoms. Cold sweats, Fever, Coughing were some. The journalist also had serious discomforts in his chest.
Piers Morgan expressed this to be his most painful experience of a disease. He stressed the importance of being vaccinated. Morgan took both of his doses already and that is what made him strong. He believed that the effect of the vaccines made him fight the virus. He thanked the doctors and the scientists who worked so hard to come up with the vaccine.